Neon Invest ETF List in February 2025 (with TER)

Neon is one of the largest neobanks in Switzerland, offering a wide variety of investment options through Neon Invest, including stocks, ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), and cryptocurrencies (via ETFs). Investing in ETFs is particularly attractive for Swiss investors due to the low trading fees—only 0.5% per transaction for Swiss shares and ETFs, and 1% for international shares. Neon Invest is fully integrated into the Neon app, allowing you to manage both your investments and banking operations from the same account.Neon Invest also allows you easily set up an ETF savings plan to automate your investments.

Since these securities are traded in Swiss francs on the BX Swiss exchange, you won’t face any additional currency exchange fees, and Neon Invest does not charge any deposit fees or custody fees. With a minimum investment of just 1 CHF and no upper limit, it’s easy for both beginners and experienced investors to get started in the market.

We’ve put together the complete Neon ETF List to help you easily find the ones that match your investment strategy. Each ETF is linked to TradingView and BX Swiss, so you can access more details and analysis with just one click. Plus, we display the TER (Total Expense Ratio) for each ETF, so you’re aware of the costs upfront.

Neon Promo CodeNeon Promo Code: NEOTRADE

Don't have a Neon Bank account yet? Use our referral code to open your free Neon Bank account!

Use the new promo code NEOTRADE by February 28, 2025 to get up to 100 CHF in Trading Credit 🙌

Get 100 CHF with Neon ➡️

For a detailed review of Neon’s investment features, platform usability, and the overall benefits of investing with Neon Invest, check out our Neon Invest review (8/10).

Neon ETF List in February 2025

Neon Invest has a wide range of ETFs, allowing you to diversify your portfolio across different markets, regions, and industries. These ETFs allow you to build a well-rounded portfolio focusing on growth, dividends, or sustainable investments, catering to your specific financial goals. Key categories include:

  • Clean Energy: Investing in companies dedicated to sustainable energy solutions.
  • Commodities: Targeting investments in essential physical assets like gold and silver.
  • Emerging Markets: Exposure to high-growth opportunities in developing economies.
  • Global Stocks: Investing in a diversified portfolio of international companies.
  • Nasdaq: Focused on technology-driven companies listed on the Nasdaq exchange.
  • S&P 500: Investments in 500 of the largest publicly traded companies in the U.S.

Here is the complete list of Neon ETFs you can invest in:

Neon DesignationETFTickerISINTER
XtrackersAI & Big DataXtrackers AI & Big Data UCITS ETFXAIXIE00BGV5VN510.35%
iSharesAsia Pacific DividendiShares Asia Pacific Dividend UCITS ETF USDIQQXIE00B14X4T880.59%
iSharesAutomation & RoboticsISHARES Automation&Robotic2B76IE00BYZK45520.40%
InvescoBiotech (US)Invesco NASDAQ Biotech UCITS ETF AccNBTKIE00BQ70R6960.40%
Brand Not FoundBitcoin TrackerLeonteq Tracker Certificate on BitcoinLTCBTCCH11717998231.50%
InvescoBlockchain Ecosystem CompaniesInvesco CoinShares Global Blockchain UCITS ETF AccBNXGIE00BGBN6P670.65%
InvescoChina TechnologyInvesco MSCI China Technology All Shares Stock Connect UCITS ETF AccICNTIE00BM8QS0950.49%
iSharesClean Energy (Dist.)iShares Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF USDIQQHIE00B1XNHC340.65%
InvescoClean Energy (Invesco, Acc.)Invesco Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF AccG1CEIE00BLRB02420.60%
XtrackersClean Energy (Xtrackers, Acc.)Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy UCITS ETF 1CXDG7IE000JZYIUN00.35%
AmundiCommoditiesLYX ETF TH-REUTERS CORECOMMOLYY6LU18292187490.35%
WisdomTreeCommodities (WidsomTree)Wisdomtree Enhanced Commodity UCITS ETFWCOAIE00BYMLZY740.35%
Market AccessCommodities Market AccessRGR INTL CMDTYM9SALU02493264880.60%
InvescoCommodities Carbon TiltedInvesco Bloomberg Commodity Carbon Tilted UCITS ETFCMOCIE000CYTPBT00.34%
iSharesConsumer Staples GlobaliShares MSCI World Con Staples ctor UCITS ETF USD3SUEIE00BJ5JP3290.25%
WisdomTreeCrypto Top CoinsWisdomTree Issuer X Ltd. Crypto Market ETPBLOCGB00BMTP16260.70%
VanguardDeveloped Asia PacificVanguard FTSE Dev Asia Pacific ex Japan UCITS ETF (USD) AccVGEKIE00BK5BQZ410.15%
iSharesDigitalisationISHARES Digitalization2B79IE00BYZK48830.40%
iSharesDow Jones Industrial AverageiShares Dow Jones Indust Average UCITS ETF USD ASXRUIE00B53L43500.33%
iSharesEmerging Markets (iShares, Acc)iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF USDIS3NIE00BKM4GZ660.18%
VanguardEmerging Markets (Vanguard, Dist.)Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets UCITS ETF USD DisVFEMIE00B3VVMM840.22%
SPDREmerging Markets DividendSPDR S&P Emerg Markets Dividend Aristocrats UCITS ETFSPYVIE00B6YX5B260.55%
iSharesEmerging Markets DividendISHSV-EM Dividend UCITS ETFEUNYIE00B652H9040.65%
InvescoEmerging Markets ESG Paris AlignedInvesco MSCI EM ESG Climate Paris Aligned UCITS ETF AccPAUMIE000PJL7R740.19%
Brand Not FoundEthereum TrackerTracker Certificate on EthereumLTCETHCH11717998071.50%
SPDREurope Real Estate (without UK)SPDR FTSE EPRA Europe ex UK Real Estate UCITS ETFZPRPIE00BSJCQV560.30%
InvescoEurope Stocks Top 600Invesco STOXX Europe 600 UCITS ETF AccSC0CIE00B60SWW180.19%
SPDREurope UtilitiesSPDR MSCI Europe Utilities UCITS ETFSPYUIE00BKWQ0P070.18%
iSharesFar East (without Japan)iShares MSCI AC Far East ex-Japan UCITS ETF USDIQQFIE00B0M637300.74%
SPDRFinancials GlobalSPDR MSCI World Financials UCITS ETFSS43IE00BYTRR9700.30%
InvescoFinancials Global (ESG)Invesco S&P World Financials ESG UCITS ETF AccWF1EIE00018LB0D80.18%
XtrackersFintechXtrackers MSCI Fintech Innovation UCITS ETF 1CXFNTIE000YDOORK70.35%
InvescoFintech (US)Invesco KBW NASDAQ Fintech UCITS ETF AccKFTKIE00BYMS5W680.49%
LeonteqFuW Swiss 50 ETPETP on FuW Swiss 50 Index NTR (CH50)CH50CH12920888090.70%
SPDRGlobal Dividend AristocratsSPDR S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats UCITS ETFZPRGIE00B9CQXS710.45%
InvescoGlobal High Yield Corporate BondInvesco Global High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF AccGB1AIE0001VDDL680.25%
iSharesGlobal InfrastructureiShares Global Infrastructure UCITS ETF USDIQQIIE00B1FZS4670.65%
SPDRGlobal Real EstateSPDR Dow Jones Global Real Estate UCITS ETFSPYJIE00B8GF1M350.40%
InvescoGlobal Stocks (FTSE)Invesco FTSE All-World UCITS ETF AccFWIAIE000716YHJ70.15%
VanguardGlobal Stocks (FTSE, Dist.)VANGUARD FTSE ALVGWLIE00B3RBWM250.22%
iSharesGlobal Stocks (MSCI ACWI)ISHARES MSCI ACWIIUSQIE00B6R522590.20%
XtrackersGlobal Stocks (MSCI)X MSCI WORLD 1CXDWDIE00BJ0KDQ920.19%
InvescoGlobal Stocks ESG Climate Paris AlignedInvesco MSCI World ESG Climate Paris Aligned UCITS ETF AccPAUDIE000V93BNU00.19%
iSharesGlobal Timber & ForestryiShares Global Timber & Forestry UCITS ETF USD DIUSBIE00B27YCF740.65%
iSharesGlobal WaterISHSII-Global Water UCITS ETFIQQQIE00B1TXK6270.65%
ZKBGold (ZKB)ZKB Gold ETF -AA CHFZGLDCH01391015930.40%
InvescoGold ETCInvesco Physical Gold ETC8PSGIE00B579F3250.12%
VanEckGold MinersVanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners UCITS ETF AccG2XJIE00BQQP9G910.55%
iSharesGold ProducersISHARES Gold ProducersIS0EIE00B6R520360.55%
iSharesHealth Care GlobaliShares MSCI World Health Care ctor ESG UCITS ETFCBUFIE00BJ5JNZ060.25%
InvescoHealthcare Global (ESG)Invesco S&P World Health Care ESG UCITS ETFWH2EIE000L4EH2K50.18%
iSharesHealthcare InnovationiShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD2B78IE00BYZK47760.40%
InvescoHigh Yield US Corp. BondsInvesco USD High Yield Corporate Bond ESG UCITS ETF DistHYGEIE00BJP5NL420.25%
InvescoHydrogen CompaniesInvesco Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF AccHYDEIE00053WDH640.60%
XtrackersInnovationXtrackers MSCI Innovation UCITS ETF 1CXNNVIE0006FFX5U10.35%
LeonteqInterestLeonteq EUR Overnight Return IndexCEUROCH13818332970.10%
LeonteqInterestLeonteq USD Overnight Return IndexCUSDOCH13818333050.10%
WisdomTreeMegatrendsWisdomTree Megatrends UCITS ETFWMGTIE0000902GT60.50%
InvescoNasdaq 100 (CHF Hedged)Invesco Nasdaq-100 UCITS ETF CHF HedgedEQCHIE00BYVTMT690.35%
InvescoNasdaq 100 (Invesco, Dist.)POWERSHARES EQQQ NASDAQ-100EQQQIE00320770120.30%
iSharesNasdaq 100 (iShares, Acc.)ISHARES NASDAQ 100 USD ACCSXRVIE00B53SZB190.33%
XtrackersNasdaq 100 (Xtrackers, Acc.)Xtrackers Nasdaq 100 UCITS ETF 1CXNASIE00BMFKG4440.20%
Global XNasdaq 100 Covered CallGlobal X Nasdaq 100 Covered Call UCITS ETF USD DistQYLEIE00BM8R0J590.45%
InvescoNasdaq Equal WeightInvesco NASDAQ-100 Equal Weight UCITS ETF AccEWQAIE000L2SA8K50.20%
InvescoNasdaq Next GenerationInvesco NASDAQ Next Generation 100 UCITS ETF AccEQQJIE00BMD8KP970.25%
L&GPharma BreakthroughL&G Pharma Breakthrough UCITS ETF USD Accumulating ETFETLIIE00BF0H76080.49%
ZKBPlatinum (ZKB)ZKB Platinum ETF A (CHF)ZPLACH01831360570.51%
Brand Not FoundRipple TrackerLeonteq Tracker Certificate on RippleLTCXRPCH11717998151.50%
InvescoS&P 500 (Invesco, ESG, Acc.)Invesco S&P 500 ESG UCITS ETF Acc5ESGIE00BKS7L0970.09%
iSharesS&P 500 (iShares, Acc.)iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF USDSXR8IE00B5BMR0870.07%
iSharesS&P 500 (iShares, Dist.)iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF USDIUSAIE00314420680.07%
VanguardS&P 500 (Vanguard, Dist.)Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD DistVUSAIE00B3XXRP090.07%
XtrackersS&P 500 (Xtrackers, Acc.)Xtrackers - S&P 500 UCITS ETF 4CXDPUIE000Z9SJA060.06%
iSharesS&P 500 EnergyISHARES S&P 500 ENERGYQDVFIE00B42NKQ000.15%
iSharesS&P 500 Information TechiShares S&P 500 Information Tech ctor UCITS ETF USDQDVEIE00B3WJKG140.15%
iSharesS&P Smallcap 600iShares S&P SmallCap 600 UCITS ETF USDIUS3IE00B2QWCY140.40%
iSharesSemiconductors GlobaliShares MSCI Global Semiconductors UCITS ETF USDSEC0IE000I8KRLL90.35%
ZKBSilver (ZKB)ZKB Silver ETF AAZSILCH01831359760.72%
InvescoSolar IndustryInvesco Solar Energy UCITS ETF AccS0LRIE00BM8QRZ790.69%
iSharesSwiss DividendiShares Swiss Dividend ETF (CH)CHDVDCH02379356370.15%
iSharesSwiss Government BondsIS S.DOM GO.BD3-7 ETF(CH)CSBGC7CH00169998460.15%
UBSSwiss Market Index (SMI)UBS ETF SMIUFUNCH00171427190.20%
iSharesSwiss Market Index Mid (SMIM)ISHR SMIM CHXMTNCH00198528020.45%
UBSSwiss Performance Index (SPI)UBS ETF CH SPI-AUFUKCH01318724310.10%
UBSSwiss Real Estate (SXI)UBS ETF (CH) - SXI Real Estate Funds (CHF)UFULCH01059944011.10%
InvescoTechnology Global (ESG)Invesco S&P World Information Technology ESG UCITS ETF AccWDTEIE000Q0IU5T10.18%
SPDRU.S. DividendSPDR S&P U.S. Dividend Aristocrats UCITS ETFSPYDIE00B6YX5D400.35%
SPDRU.S. EnergySPDR S&P US Energy lect ctor UCITS ETF AccZPDEIE00BWBXM4920.15%
SPDRU.S. FinancialsSPDR S&P US Financials lect ctor UCITS ETF AccZPDFIE00BWBXM5000.15%
SPDRU.S. Health CareSPDR S&P US Health Care l ctor UCITS ETF AccZPDHIE00BWBXM6170.15%
iSharesU.S. Smaller CapiShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETFQDVCIE00BD1F4K200.21%
SPDRU.S. TechnologySPDR S&P US Technology lect ctor UCITS ETF AccZPDTIE00BWBXM9480.15%
SPDRU.S. UtilitiesSPDR S&P U.S. Utilities Select Sector UCITSZPDUIE00BWBXMB690.15%
iSharesU.S. Value FactoriShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETFQDVIIE00BD1F4M440.20%
iSharesUnited Kingdom DividendISHARES UK DividendIQQDIE00B0M630600.40%
Global XUraniumGlobal X Uranium UCITS ETF USD AccURNUIE000NDWFGA50.65%
VanEckVideo Gaming & ESportsVanEck Vectors Video Gaming and eSports UCITS ETF AccESP0IE00BYWQWR460.55%
InvescoWind EnergyInvesco Wind Energy UCITS ETF AccWDEYIE0008RX29L50.60%
SPDRWorld TechnologySPDR MSCI World Technology UCITS ETFSS47IE00BYTRRD190.30%
SPDRWorld UtilitiesSPDR MSCI World Utilities UCITS ETFSS46IE00BYTRRH560.30%

Please note: for an up-to-date list of Neon ETFs, we invite you to check directly in the Neon app. Neon Invest may decide to add or remove some ETFs at any time.

Why Choose Neon Invest for Your Investments?

Neon Invest stands out with its low fees, focused ETF selection, diverse investment options and user-friendly platform, making it suitable for both newcomers and experienced investors.

  • Low Fees: With a straightforward cost structure and no trading fees on the ETF savings plan, Neon Invest is ideal for casual and long-term investors.
  • Curated ETF Selection: While it offers fewer ETFs than Swissquote, Neon Invest provides a carefully selected range of core, benchmark, sector-specific, and sustainable ETFs that facilitate diversification.
  • Diverse Investment Options: You can easily diversify your investments through both ETFs and shares on the same platform.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Neon’s platform is designed for easy navigation, enabling users of all experience levels to manage their portfolios and access financial data effortlessly.

Neon Invest offers around 70 ETFs compared to 45 ETFs with Guided by Alpian and 50 ETFs with Yuh. The ETFs selected by Neon Invest cover core strategies, sector funds, and sustainable options, allowing you to build a balanced portfolio that aligns with your investment goals.

Neon Promo CodeNeon Promo Code: NEOTRADE

Don't have a Neon Bank account yet? Use our referral code to open your free Neon Bank account!

Use the new promo code NEOTRADE by February 28, 2025 to get up to 100 CHF in Trading Credit 🙌

Get 100 CHF with Neon ➡️

Best Neon Invest ETFs in February 2025

Neon Invest provides an excellent range of ETFs through its savings plan (0% investment plan), enabling investors to automate their investments while avoiding purchasing costs. Here’s a summary of the top ETFs offered by Neon Invest, detailing their focus, key holdings, and links for further exploration.

1. AI & Big Data

  • Top Holdings: Apple, Meta Platforms, Bank of America Corp.
  • ISIN: IE00BGV5VN51 | TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: Investments in companies involved in artificial intelligence and big data analytics.
  • Why Choose This ETF?
    The Xtrackers AI & Big Data UCITS ETF provides exposure to companies leading in AI technology, making it an attractive option for investors focused on future tech growth.

2. Bitcoin (Xtrackers)

3. Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy UCITS ETF 1C

  • Top Holdings: Ørsted A/S, Enphase Energy, Schneider Electric SE.
  • ISIN: IE000JZYIUN0 | TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: Investments in companies dedicated to affordable and clean energy solutions.
  • Why Choose This ETF?
    The Xtrackers MSCI Global SDG 7 ETF focuses on sustainable development goals, making it a great choice for ethical investors.

4. Commodities (WisdomTree)

  • Top Holdings: Crude oil, natural gas, gold.
  • ISIN: IE00BYMLZY74 | TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: Diversified exposure to key commodities, including energy, precious metals, and agriculture.
  • Why choose this ETF?
    The WisdomTree Enhanced Commodity ETF offers broad coverage of the commodities market, allowing investors to benefit from economic cycles linked to natural resources. It is ideal for an inflation-hedging strategy or portfolio diversification.

5. Crypto Top Coins

  • Top Holdings: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin.
  • ISIN: GB00BMTP1626 | TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: Exposure to leading cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.
  • Why choose this ETF?
    The WisdomTree Physical Crypto Market enables investments in top-performing and recognized cryptocurrencies, providing a simplified way to capture growth in the digital asset sector while diversifying risks.

6. Ethereum (Xtrackers)

7. FuW Swiss 50 ETP

  • Top Holdings: Lonza Group AG, Baloise Holding AG, Logitech International.
  • ISIN: CH1292088809 | TradingView | Leonteq
  • Focus: The largest Swiss companies listed on the Swiss stock exchange.
  • Why Choose This ETF?
    The FuW Swiss 50 ETP provides investors with exposure to Swiss market leaders, ideal for those focusing on the local economy.

8. Global Stocks (FTSE)

  • Top Holdings: Apple, Microsoft Corp., NVIDIA Corp.
  • ISIN: IE000716YHJ7 | TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: Global diversification across developed and emerging markets.
  • Why Choose This ETF?
    The Invesco FTSE All-World ETF provides broad exposure to a wide range of sectors and geographies, making it a solid choice for investors seeking diversification.

9. Global Stocks ESG Climate Paris Aligned

  • Top Holdings: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Trent Ltd., Delta Electronics, Inc.
  • ISIN: IE000PJL7R74TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: Emerging markets with a focus on ESG criteria.
  • Why Choose This ETF?
    The Invesco MSCI EM ESG ETF targets companies that meet stringent environmental and social governance standards, making it suitable for responsible investors.

10. Megatrends

  • Top Holdings: MicroStrategy, NVIDIA, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing.
  • ISIN: IE0000902GT6 | TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: Investments in innovative companies and high-growth sectors such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and semiconductors.
  • Why choose this ETF?
    The WisdomTree Megatrends provides diversified exposure to leaders in technological and industrial innovation. With holdings in companies like NVIDIA, Taiwan Semiconductor, and Coinbase, this ETF is ideal for investors looking to capitalize on opportunities offered by global technological transformations.

11. Nasdaq 100 (Xtrackers)

  • Top Holdings: Apple, Microsoft Corp., NVIDIA Corp.
  • ISIN: IE00BMFKG444 | TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: U.S. technology stocks from the Nasdaq 100 index.
  • Why Choose This ETF?
    The Xtrackers Nasdaq 100 ETF focuses on innovative tech companies, making it a great choice for those bullish on tech growth.

12. S&P 500 (Xtrackers)

  • Top Holdings: Apple, Microsoft Corp., NVIDIA Corp.
  • ISIN: IE000Z9SJA06 | TradingView | JustETF
  • Focus: U.S. large-cap stocks from the S&P 500 index.
  • Why Choose This ETF?
    The Xtrackers S&P 500 ETF provides exposure to the top U.S. companies, making it a fundamental choice for those looking to invest in the U.S. market.

Benefits of Neon Savings Plan (0% Investment Plan)

The Neon ETF savings plan (0% Investment Plan) allows you to invest in a selection of top ETFs with 0% purchase fees. You can set a fixed monthly amount to invest in one or more ETFs, which will be automatically debited from your account. This makes it easy to build your portfolio over time without additional costs.

With this savings plan, you benefit from a disciplined investing approach. Regular monthly contributions eliminate the need for market timing, helping you avoid the stress of trying to pick the right moment to invest. If the price of an ETF falls, your fixed investment amount allows you to purchase more shares, potentially increasing your overall returns.

Neon Invest does not charge custody account fees, which can typically be around 0.3% with other providers. For the selected ETFs in the Neon Savings Plan, you won’t pay any purchase fees. The total expense ratios (TER) of the ETFs in this savings plan are also competitive, with many options having a TER below 0.5%. This helps ensure that more of your investment returns stay in your pocket.

To learn more, read our article on the Neon ETF savings plan.

Benefits of Neon 0% Specials

The 0% Specials provide limited-time access to buy and sell selected investments without trading fees. This initiative is designed for investors seeking flexible, short-term opportunities to enter the market. While the 0% Investment Plan focuses on long-term asset growth, the 0% Specials enable you to capitalize on market movements without incurring purchasing costs for a limited duration.

Currently, the 0% Specials feature ETFs concentrated on critical sectors such as technology, healthcare, and finance. For instance, the Invesco S&P World Financials ESG UCITS ETF focuses on companies in the financial sector that adhere to strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards. This provides an opportunity to invest in sectors committed to sustainable practices.

The 0% Specials allow for swift responses to changing market conditions, offering the flexibility to adapt your investment strategy as necessary. This option complements the Neon savings plan (0% Investment Plan), enabling you to diversify your portfolio while keeping costs low.

The current 0% Specials ETFs include:

ETFs Offering Returns Aligned with High Interest Rates

Neon Invest now offers two products indexed to interest rates: the EUR Interest Tracker and the USD Interest Tracker, available directly through its application. These options allow investors to take advantage of attractive interest rates in the eurozone and the United States without needing to open a savings account abroad.

EUR Interest Tracker (Leonteq)

USD Interest Tracker (Leonteq)

Why choose these trackers?
These products allow investors to benefit from the effect of compound interest. For instance, an investment of 10,000 CHF in the USD Interest Tracker, with a stable rate of 4.6%, could yield a net gain of 335.40 CHF after one year, after deducting fees.

These trackers, similar to ETFs, are ideal for diversifying a portfolio while leveraging international monetary policies.

Which ETFs Should You Choose?

Investing in fee-free ETFs through the Neon ETF Savings Plan (0% Investment Plan) is a major advantage for both new and seasoned investors. Neon’s carefully curated selection of ETFs caters to various investment goals and risk profiles, ensuring that you can find the right fit for your portfolio.

For those looking to capitalize on the future of technology, the Xtrackers AI & Big Data UCITS ETF is an excellent choice. It focuses on companies at the forefront of artificial intelligence and big data technologies, making it ideal for investors seeking growth through innovation.

If you’re interested in generating consistent income, consider the Invesco MSCI EM ESG Climate Paris Aligned UCITS ETF. This ETF targets companies in emerging markets with strong environmental, social, and governance practices, providing a balanced approach between growth potential and income generation.

For investors willing to explore niche opportunities, the Invesco NASDAQ Biotech UCITS ETF focuses on the biotechnology sector, while the Xtrackers Galaxy Physical Bitcoin ETC offers direct exposure to Bitcoin. These options are tailored for those with a higher risk tolerance, looking to benefit from innovative and rapidly evolving sectors.

Neon Invest also provides sector-specific ETFs, allowing investors to gain targeted exposure based on their interests or market trends. This flexibility ensures that you can align your investments with your financial goals, whether you are aiming for long-term growth or seeking specific market opportunities.

Final Thoughts

The fee-free Neon ETF Savings Plan present an excellent opportunity for investors of all levels to enhance their portfolios without incurring trading fees. The ability to invest in a diverse range of ETFs—spanning innovative sectors like technology and biotechnology, as well as established markets—allows you to align your investments with your specific financial goals.

When choosing the right ETF, it’s essential to consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance. Whether you’re looking to build a core portfolio for long-term growth or seeking to tap into niche markets with higher growth potential, Neon’s selection provides ample flexibility. The platform enables you to diversify effectively, balancing risk and reward across various asset classes.

Moreover, Neon’s commitment to making investing accessible means you can take advantage of recurring investments and dollar-cost averaging, further enhancing your portfolio’s resilience against market fluctuations. By carefully examining the available ETFs and aligning them with your individual objectives, you can create a personalized investment strategy that works for you.

Neon Promo CodeNeon Promo Code: NEOTRADE

Don't have a Neon Bank account yet? Use our referral code to open your free Neon Bank account!

Use the new promo code NEOTRADE by February 28, 2025 to get up to 100 CHF in Trading Credit 🙌

Get 100 CHF with Neon ➡️

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Neon ETFs

✅ Can I use a promo code for ETF trades on Neon Invest?

Yes, Neon Invest offers promo codes that provide benefits like trading credits or reduced fees on ETF trades. Promo codes can be entered directly in the app during registration or under the account settings section.

Use the promo code NEOTRADE by February 28, 2025 to get up to 100 CHF in Trading Credit 🙌 with Neon Bank. Get the Neon app ➡️

✅ How do Neon Trading Credits work?

Neon sometimes offers trading credits so you can trade fee-free. These credits are often part of promotions or welcome offers and can be used on ETF or stock trades in the app. Keep an eye on the Neon app or promotional emails for these opportunities.

✅ Is my investment with Neon Invest safe?

Yes, your investments with Neon Invest are considered safe. Neon partners with Hypothekarbank Lenzburg, a reputable Swiss bank regulated by FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority), ensuring compliance with strict financial regulations. Your assets are held in segregated accounts, protecting them in the unlikely event of Neon’s insolvency. Additionally, Swiss regulations provide robust investor protection, with your deposits covered up to CHF 100,000.

✅ Is Neon Invest suitable for beginners?

Yes, Neon’s easy app and low fees are perfect for beginners starting out.

✅ What is the benefit of investing in ETFs compared to shares?

ETFs offer diversification by investing in a basket of assets, reducing the risk compared to holding individual shares.

✅ What types of investment products are available on Neon Invest?

On Neon Invest, you can invest in stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies (through ETFs).

✅ Can I invest in international ETFs with Neon Invest?

Yes, Neon Invest offers a selection of international ETFs, allowing you to diversify your portfolio across global markets.

✅ Are there any custody fees for ETFs on Neon Invest?

No, Neon Invest does not charge custody fees for ETFs, allowing you to keep more of your investment returns.

✅ Is there a minimum investment amount required on Neon Invest?

Neon Invest has a fixed minimum investment amount of 1 CHF, making it accessible for small-scale investors.

✅ What are the fees for trading shares and ETFs on Neon Invest?

Neon Invest offers a cost-effective fee structure for trading shares and ETFs. There are low trading fees of 0.5% per transaction for Swiss shares and ETFs, and 1% for international shares.

✅ Can I transfer ETFs from another broker to Neon?

Yes, you can transfer ETFs from another broker to Neon, but a fee of CHF 100 per position will apply.

✅ How do ETF savings plans work on Neon Invest?

Neon’s ETF savings plans let you automate regular investments into ETFs. You choose the ETF, amount, and frequency, and Neon takes care of the rest, so you benefit from dollar-cost averaging.

✅ Can I modify or stop my recurring ETF investments on Neon Invest?

Yes, you can modify or stop your recurring ETF investments at any time. The platform allows you to adjust the amount, switch ETFs, or cancel the plan as needed.

✅ What are the tax implications of investing in ETFs on Neon?

Tax implications depend on your country of residence. In Switzerland, dividends from ETFs are taxed as income, and ETF holdings are subject to wealth tax. Consult a tax advisor for personal advice.

✅ What happens if I do not have enough balance for my ETF savings plan execution?

If there is insufficient balance in your account on the day before execution, the savings plan for that month will be suspended and invested in the following month when funds are available.

✅ What is Dollar-Cost Averaging?

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is where you invest a set amount at set intervals, regardless of the price. This means you buy more when prices are low and less when they are high, which helps to smooth out the average cost over time. It reduces the risk of buying at the top and helps with investment discipline, especially in volatile markets.

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